Upute za upotrebu PHILIPS 247E3LHSU

Lastmanuals nudi društvenu uslugu dijeljenja, pohranjivanja i pretraživanja priručnika koji se odnose na korištenje tehničke opreme i softvera: korisnički vodiči, vlasnički priručnici, brze upute, tehničke podatkovne liste... NE ZABORAVITE: UVIJEK PROČITAJTE KORISNIČKI VODIČ PRIJE KUPNJE!!!

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Lastmanuals pomoć za preuzimanje korisničkog vodiča PHILIPS 247E3LHSU.

Mode d'emploi PHILIPS 247E3LHSU

Također možete preuzeti sljedeće priručnike koji se odnose na ovaj proizvod:

   PHILIPS 247E3LHSU (4176 ko)
   PHILIPS 247E3LHSU ANNEXE 1 (5453 ko)

Priručnik sažetak: korisnicki prirucnik PHILIPS 247E3LHSU

Detaljne upute za upotrebu su u Korisničkom Vodiču.

[. . . ] 247E3L www. philips. com/welcome HR Korisnickiprirucnik Podrskakupcima&Jamstvo Cestopostavljanapitanjai rjesavanjeproblema 1 30 35 Sadrzaj 1. Vazno. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1. 1 Mjereoprezaiodrzavanje. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1. 2 Opisiznakova. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1. 3 Zbrinjavanjeproizvodaiambalaze. . . . . . . 3 2. Podesavanjemonitora. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2. 1 Instalacija. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . [. . . ] Thisensuresthatyourdisplayis designed, manufacturedandtestedaccordingto someofthestrictestqualityandenvironmental requirementsintheworld. Thismakesfora highperformanceproduct, designedwiththe userinfocusthatalsominimizestheimpacton theclimateandournaturalenvironment. TCOCertifiedisathirdpartyverifiedprogram, whereeveryproductmodelistestedbyan accreditedimpartialtestlaboratory. TCO Certifiedrepresentsoneofthetoughest certificationsfordisplaysworldwide. SomeoftheUsabilityfeaturesoftheTCO Certifiedfordisplays: · Visualergonomicsforgoodimagequality istestedtoensuretopperformanceand reducesightandstrainproblems. Important parametersareluminance, contrast, resolution, blacklevel, gammacurve, colour andluminanceuniformityandcolour rendering. · Productsaretestedaccordingtorigorous safetystandardsatimpartiallaboratories. · Electricandmagneticfieldsemissionsas lowasnormalhouseholdbackground levels. · Lowacousticnoiseemissions(when applicable). SomeoftheEnvironmentalfeaturesofthe TCOCertifiedfordisplays: · Thebrandownerdemonstratescorporate socialresponsibilityandhasacertified environmentalmanagementsystem(EMAS orISO14001). · Verylowenergyconsumptionbothinon- andstandbymodeminimizeclimateimpact. · Restrictionsonchlorinatedandbrominated flameretardants, plasticizers, plasticsand heavymetalssuchascadmium, mercury andlead(RoHScompliance). · Bothproductandproductpackagingis preparedforrecycling. · Thebrandownerofferstake-backoptions. Therequirementscanbedownloadedfromour website. Therequirementsincludedinthislabel havebeendevelopedbyTCODevelopment inco-operationwithscientists, experts, usersas wellasmanufacturersallovertheworld. Since theendofthe1980sTCOhasbeeninvolved ininfluencingthedevelopmentofITequipment inamoreuser-friendlydirection. Ourlabeling systemstartedwithdisplaysin1992andis nowrequestedbyusersandIT-manufacturers allovertheworld. About50%ofalldisplays worldwideareTCOcertified. Formoreinformation, pleasevisit: www. tcodevelopment. com TCOF1058 TCO Document, Ver. 2. 1 Technology for you and the planet 24 7. Informacije o propisima EPEAT (www. epeat. net) TheEPEAT(Electronic ProductEnvironmental AssessmentTool)program evaluatescomputer desktops, laptops, andmonitorsbasedon 51environmentalcriteriadevelopedthrough anextensivestakeholderconsensusprocess supportedbyUSEPA. EPEATsystemhelpspurchasersinthepublic andprivatesectorsevaluate, compareand selectdesktopcomputers, notebooksand monitorsbasedontheirenvironmental attributes. EPEATalsoprovidesaclearand consistentsetofperformancecriteriaforthe designofproducts, andprovidesanopportunity formanufacturerstosecuremarketrecognition foreffortstoreducetheenvironmentalimpact ofitsproducts. BenefitsofEPEAT Reduceuseofprimarymaterials Reduceuseoftoxicmaterials AvoidthedisposalofhazardouswasteEPEAT'S requirementthatallregisteredproductsmeet ENERGYSTAR'senergyefficiencyspecifications, meansthattheseproductswillconsumeless energythroughouttheirlife. CEDeclarationofConformity Thisproductisinconformitywiththefollowing standards · EN60950-1:2006(Safetyrequirementof InformationTechnologyEquipment). · EN55022:2006(RadioDisturbance requirementofInformationTechnology Equipment). · EN55024:1998+A1:2001+A2:2003 (ImmunityrequirementofInformation TechnologyEquipment). · EN61000-3-2:2006(LimitsforHarmonic CurrentEmission). · EN61000-3-3:1995+A1:2001+A2:2005 (LimitationofVoltageFluctuationand Flicker)followingprovisionsofdirectives applicable. · 2006/95/EC(LowVoltageDirective). 1275/2008mplementingDirective forStandbyandOffmodepower consumption)andisproducedbya manufacturingorganizationonISO9000 level. [. . . ] P7: Nakojinacintrebamcistitipovrsinu LCD-a?Odg. : Zauobicajenocisenjekoristitecistui mekukrpu. Zapojacanocisenjekoristite izopropilenskialkohol. Nekoristitedruga otapala, poputetilnogalkohola, etanola, acetona, heksanaislicno. P8: Mogulipromijenitipostavkebojesvog monitora?Odg. :Da, mozetepromijenitipostavkuboje pomouupravljackihfunkcijaOSD-a premasljedeempostupku, · Pritisnite"OK"(Uredu)daseprikaze Ekranskiizbornik(OSD) · Pritisnite"DownArrow"(Strelicudolje) daizaberetestavku"Color"(Boja)izatim pritisnite"OK"(Uredu)daunesete postavkuboje, doljesenalazetripostavke. [. . . ]


Lastmanuals nudi društvenu uslugu dijeljenja, pohranjivanja i pretraživanja priručnika koji se odnose na korištenje tehničke opreme i softvera: korisnički vodiči, vlasnički priručnici, brze upute, tehničke podatkovne liste...
Lastmanuals ni na koji način ne može biti smatran odgovornim ako je dokument koji tražite nedostupan, nepotpun, na različitom jeziku nego što je vaš, ili ako se model ili jezik ne podudara s opisom. Lastmanuals, primjerice, ne nudi prevoditeljske usluge.

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Pretraga korisničkih priručnika


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