Lastmanuals nudi društvenu uslugu dijeljenja, pohranjivanja i pretraživanja priručnika koji se odnose na korištenje tehničke opreme i softvera: korisnički vodiči, vlasnički priručnici, brze upute, tehničke podatkovne liste... NE ZABORAVITE: UVIJEK PROČITAJTE KORISNIČKI VODIČ PRIJE KUPNJE!!!
Ako ovaj dokument odgovara korisničkom vodiču, priručniku s uputama ili korisničkom priručniku, funkcionalnostima, shemama koje ste tražili, preuzmite ga sada. Lastmanuals vam omogućava brzo i lagano raspolaganje s korisničkim priručnikom PANASONIC WH-MDF09C3E5. Nadamo se da vam je ovaj PANASONIC WH-MDF09C3E5 korisnički vodič bio koristan.
Lastmanuals pomoć za preuzimanje korisničkog vodiča PANASONIC WH-MDF09C3E5.
Detaljne upute za upotrebu su u Korisničkom Vodiču.
[. . . ] Upute za Instructions Operating uporabu (Monojedini?ni) Sustav toplinske (Mono bloc) Air-to-Water Heatpump System
crpke zrak-voda Model No.
Mono br. Modelbloc Unit WH-MDF09C3E5 Monojedini?ni ure?aj WH-MDF12C6E5
HRVATSKI 9 ENGLISH 2~ Before operating the unit, read these operating instructions thoroughly and keep them for future reference. 2~9 Before operating the unit, make sure the installation has been carried out correctly by authorized dealer correctly and Prije rukovanja ure?ajem pa?ljivo instructions given. precisely following the installation pro?itajte ove upute za uporabu i sa?uvajte ih za budu?u uporabu. [. . . ] Contact yourwith a of the same type must be After batteries ?avoidfollowing the same New injury, -insertedbatteriesetc. to prevent com inserted rack does door for long Odmah se svojem maintenance/repair. obratiteany abnormality/failure installation followingornot deteriorate Doinserted followinglightning activity. time during not open following the polarity stated. 4 inserted strong the polarity stated. n, Stop using the product if - Abnormally reg Do Floor Grijanje poda the not touch the down. lokalnom dobavlja?u za prevent turn off POWER SUPPLYunit from fallingsharp aluminium ?occurs and must be earthed to This equipmentdisconnect the power plug or POWER SUPPLY sharp POWER SUPPLY POWER SUPPLY parts may cause injury. the power switch and electrical shock or ?re. REMOTE not pull pull cordcord to disconnect properly and CONTROL DoEnsure drainage pipe is connected plugplug to to Do not the the to disconnect the plug ins Do not pull the cord to disconnect the plug to Do not pull the outlettoto disconnect the to Do drainage cord disconnect the (Risk of smoke/?re/electric shock) Jedinica keepnot use rechargeable of gutters, containers preventnot pull the cordclearTank Unitthe plug to electric shock. the indoor unit when waxing Monojedini?ni prevent switch ON Water the Do Mono bloc Do notelectric shock. water to prevent water Unit prevent electric shock. prevent electric shock. in (Ni-Cd) batteries. spremnika za vodu orItdoes not immersed ure?aj prevent electric shock. Examples of shock by switching off the power abnormality/failure Prevent electric may?damage the remote control. After waxing, aerate the room properly ?REMOTE CO supply and unplug when: before operating the unit. Afterprevent period of useor damage of the remote a long malfunction or use with any Do ToDo not install the unit in oily and smoky areas to5 5 ?or vibration of the unit is combustible equipment, aerate the room It m 5 5 35 control: damage to the unit. the batteries if the unit is not going to ?Do not dismantle the unit for cleaning purpose to After a used period of use, maketime. the be long for a long period of sure To ?Power cord or plug becomes abnormally hot. [. . . ] waste disposal service or the point of mo?e imati za posljedicu prekr?ajnu Nepravilno zbrinjavanje ovog otpadasale where you purchased the items. odgovornost u skladu s Penalties may be applicable for nacionalnim zakonodavstvom. incorrect disposal of this waste, in accordance with national legislation. For business users in the u Europskoj uniji Za poslovne korisnike European Union IfAko ?eliteto discard electrical iand electronic opremu, detaljne obavijesti zatra?ite or supplier prodava?a ili you wish odlo?iti elektri?nu elektroni?ku equipment, please contact your dealer od svojeg for further information. [. . . ]
Lastmanuals nudi društvenu uslugu dijeljenja, pohranjivanja i pretraživanja priručnika koji se odnose na korištenje tehničke opreme i softvera: korisnički vodiči, vlasnički priručnici, brze upute, tehničke podatkovne liste... Lastmanuals ni na koji način ne može biti smatran odgovornim ako je dokument koji tražite nedostupan, nepotpun, na različitom jeziku nego što je vaš, ili ako se model ili jezik ne podudara s opisom. Lastmanuals, primjerice, ne nudi prevoditeljske usluge.
Klikom na " Preuzimanje korisničkog Priručnika " na kraju ovog Ugovora ako prihvaćate njegove uvjete, započeti će preuzimanje priručnika PANASONIC WH-MDF09C3E5.