Upute za upotrebu PANASONIC ER2061

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Lastmanuals pomoć za preuzimanje korisničkog vodiča PANASONIC ER2061.

Mode d'emploi PANASONIC ER2061

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   PANASONIC ER2061 (8184 ko)

Priručnik sažetak: korisnicki prirucnik PANASONIC ER2061

Detaljne upute za upotrebu su u Korisničkom Vodiču.

[. . . ] Operating Instructions Upute za uporabu AC/Punjivi šišač brade/kose AC/Rechargeable Beard/Hair Trimmer Model No. ER2061 Model br. Hrvatski English Deutsch Français Italiano Nederlands Español 2 Dansk 2 6 Português 10 Norsk 14 Svenska 18 Suomi 22 Polski 26 Česky 30 Slovensky 34 Magyar 38 Română 42 Türkçe 46 50 54 58 62 66 Prije uporabe u cijelosti pročitajte readupute. Before operating this unit, please ove these ► Cautions for charging ► Mjere opreza pri punjenju ► Cautions for charging • Use the ER2061 Beard/Hair Trimmer with the RE9‑36 adaptor • Koristite šišač brade/kose ER2061 isključivo s prilagodnikom RE9-36. the ER2061 Beard/Hair Trimmer with the RE9‑36 adaptor Use • only. [. . . ] minutes of use. 1. Insert the appliance plug into the 1. Umetnite utikač u šišač. 1. Insert the appliance plug into the 2. trimmer. prilagodnik u strujnu Uključite trimmer. 2. Plug in the adaptor into a utičnicu. into a adaptor household pokazatelja punjenja • Lampica household outlet. lamp lights and • The charge indicator Šišanje brade brkova ► Trimming your ibeard and moustache ► Trimming your beard and moustache 1. Nanesite nekoliko kapi oil na oštrice. 1. Apply a few drops of theulja to the blades. 1. Apply a few drops of the oil to the blades. 4) 2. Turn page 4. )to move biste podesili 2. (See the dial Zakrenite kotačić da the comb attachment 2. Turn the dial to move the comb(between attachment to the desired trimming željenu duljinu za nastavak s češljem na length tomm and 18 mm). the desired trimming 2šišanje (od 2 mm do 18length (between mm). 2 mm and 18 mm). Indicator Pokazatelj Indicator 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 Trimming Dužina Indicator TrimmingPokazatelj length Indicator šišanja length 2. 0 mm 2, 0 mm 7 7 2. 0 mm 7 3. 0 mm 3, 0 mm 8 8 3. 0 mm 8 4. 5 mm 9 4, 5 mm 9 9 4. 5 mm 6. 0 mm 10 6, 0 mm 10 10 6. 0 mm 7. 5 mm 11 7, 5 mm 11 11 7. 5 mm 9. 0 mm 12 9, 0 mm 12 12 9. 0 mm Trimming Dužina Trimming length šišanja length 10. 5 mm 10, 5 mm 10. 5 mm 12. 0 mm 12, 0 mm 12. 0 mm 13. 5 mm 13, 5 mm 13. 5 mm 15. 0 mm 15, 0 mm 15. 0 mm 16. 5 mm 16, 5 mm 16. 5 mm 18. 0 mm 18, 0 mm 18. 0 mm svijetli i ostaje uključena dok se • The charge indicator lampis removed lights stays on untilne ukloni iz strujne and prilagodnik the adaptor staysa householdadaptor is removed from on until the outlet. from a household outlet. Šišanje uz uporabu kabela Cord Trimming Cord utaknete utikač u šišač i prilagodnik uključite plug in the IfAko Trimming appliance plug to the trimmer and u strujnu you insert the Ifutičnicu, uređajapplianceoutlet, to thei trimmeritand plug in the you insert a household plug čak ako je even if baterije adaptor into the možete koristiti you can usekapacitet the battery adaptor is low. nizak capacityinto a household outlet, you can use it even if the battery capacityšišač ne radi, nastavite puniti otprilike 1 minutu. • • the trimmer does not work, continue charging it for approx. • If the trimmer does not work, continue charging it for approx. minute. 3. Slide the switch on the main body upwards to turn on 3. Slide the switch on the main body upwards to turn on 3. the trimmer. Da biste uključili šišač, pomaknite prekidač na kućištu the trimmer. 4. Place the angled face of the comb 4. Place the angledand cut the pod kutom 4. against the skin facekoja je beard by Stavite stranu češlja of the comb against the skin andin all directions to uz kožu i skratite bradu the beard by moving the trimmer cut pomicanjem moving uuniform cut. all directions to šišača svim smjerovima da biste obtain athe trimmer in obtaincurly facial hair, the comb attachment postigli uniform učinak. • With not cut kovrčave the comb attachment • may curly facial hair, hair. In this licu, Ako imate all of the dlačice na case, may not thescomb the ih moždaand use a nastavak češljem hair. In this case, remove cut all of attachment neće sve remove the tom slučaju uklonitetheuse a skratiti. [. . . ] Penalties mayaccordance withEuropskoj uniji this poslovnebe applicable for incorrect disposal of Za waste, in korisnike u national legislation. this waste, in accordance withi national Union Ako želite odložiti električnu elektroničku opremu, For business users in the European legislation. detaljne obavijesti zatražite od svojeg prodavača ili For business users electrical and electronic If you wish to discard in the European Union dobavljača. If you wish please contact your dealer or supplier for equipment, to discard electrical and electronic equipment, please contact your dealer or supplier for further information. [. . . ]


Lastmanuals nudi društvenu uslugu dijeljenja, pohranjivanja i pretraživanja priručnika koji se odnose na korištenje tehničke opreme i softvera: korisnički vodiči, vlasnički priručnici, brze upute, tehničke podatkovne liste...
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Pretraga korisničkih priručnika


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