Upute za upotrebu PANASONIC CQ-RX102N

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Ako ovaj dokument odgovara korisničkom vodiču, priručniku s uputama ili korisničkom priručniku, funkcionalnostima, shemama koje ste tražili, preuzmite ga sada. Lastmanuals vam omogućava brzo i lagano raspolaganje s korisničkim priručnikom PANASONIC CQ-RX102N. Nadamo se da vam je ovaj PANASONIC CQ-RX102N korisnički vodič bio koristan.

Lastmanuals pomoć za preuzimanje korisničkog vodiča PANASONIC CQ-RX102N.

Mode d'emploi PANASONIC CQ-RX102N

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   PANASONIC CQ-RX102N (8448 ko)

Priručnik sažetak: korisnicki prirucnik PANASONIC CQ-RX102N

Detaljne upute za upotrebu su u Korisničkom Vodiču.

[. . . ] AAC WMA MP3 CD reproduktor/prijamnik Model: (CQ-RX400N) CQ-RX400N/CQ-RX300N WMA MP3 CD reproduktor/prijamnik CAUTION LASER RADIATION WHEN OPEN. DO NOT STARE INTO BEAM. (Bottom of the unit) Model: CQ-RX200N/CQ-RX103N/ CQ-RX102N/CQ-RX101N Laser Product Fuse This pictograph intends to alert you to the presence of important operating instructions and installation Warning instructions. Failure to heed the instructions may result in severe injury or death. This pictograph intends to alert you to the presence of important operating instructions and installation Caution instructions. Failure to heed the instructions may result in injury or material damage. Caution: This product utilizes a laser. [. . . ] Set the volume level to low enough before the AUX connection is completed. Failure to observe this, the loud noise may come out and damage your speakers and your hearing. Operation Flow (PUSH 3 Hold down [VOL] open theSEL: Select) for 2 sec. To return to the regular mode, press [DISP]. Refer to the section on ?Function Settings?. is displayed, the Demonstration cannot be cancelled. \CQ-RX103N\ \CQ-RX102N\ \CQ-RX101N\ 1 Press [SRC] to select the radio source. 3 Select a station. Frequency Adjustment [TUNE [TUNE ]: Lower ]: Higher Note: Hold down for 0. 5 sec. or more and release for station search. [VOL] (PUSH 2 Press to be adjusted. SEL) to select a mode Volume (Setting Range: 0 to 40, Default: 18) Turn [VOL] 3 adjust. clockwise or counterclockwise to Press [DISP] to return to the regular mode. for the adjustment to each speaker. 3 Turn [VOL] clockwise or counterclockwise to adjust. ( : MONO ON lights. ) Power On/Off \CQ-RX400N\ \CQ-RX300N\ Volume Adjustment (Setting Range: 0 to 40, Default: 18) Preset Station Selection Press the corresponding preset button from [1] to [6] to tune in a preset station. Bass (Setting Range: ?12 dB to +12 dB by 2 dB, Default: 0 dB) : Up : Down Battery Installation Pull the insulation ?lm out from the backside of the remote control gently. Note: Battery Information: Battery Type: Panasonic lithium battery (CR2025) (Included in the remote control) Battery Life: Approximately 6 months under normal use (at room temperature) Set your car?s ignition switch to the ACC or ON position. : MONO OFF (Default) : LOCAL ON lights. ) Power on: Press [SRC] (PWR). Power off: Hold down [SRC] (PWR) for more than 1 second. Turn [VOL]. : Increased : Decreased Treble Source Selection You can adjust the characteristics of the currently selected sound type (SQ). ( Above) It is also possible to preset up to 5 different adjusted SQs. FM Local [FM] 1 2 3 / [ [ Press [VOL] (PUSH SEL: Select) to open the audio menu. Press [VOL] (PUSH SEL: Select) to select SQ SET. Adjust each band. : center frequency up/down ][ ]: Band selection ] [ ]: Level up/down Level Frequency ( Display Change Press [DISP] to change the display. AM (LW/MW) mode: Band/ frequency CT (Clock Time) FM (not RDS) mode: Band/ frequency PS RDS mode: PS (Programme Service name) Band/frequency (Setting Range: ?12 dB to +12 dB by 2 dB, Default: 0 dB) Press [SRC] to change the source. \CQ-RX400N\ \CQ-RX300N\ USB Connector \CQ-RX400N\ \CQ-RX300N\ Disc Player When an optional USB memory is connected: When loading MP3/WMA/AAC data When an optional USB memory is not connected: Audio Menu : Increased : Decreased Only stations with good reception are detected in seek tuning. SQ3 (3-Band Sound Quality) Center frequency and level are adjustable in each of 3 bands. This lets you ?ne-tune sound quality for each genre to suit car-interior acoustics and your personal preferences. Tone/SQ adjustable range: 12 dB to 12 dB (by 2 dB) SQ Low/Bass: 12 dB (at 60 Hz, 80 Hz, 100 Hz, 200 Hz) SQ Mid: 12 dB (at 500 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz, 3 kHz) SQ High/Treble: 12 dB (at 10 kHz, 12 kHz, 15 kHz, 18 kHz) ?The bass/treble control level of each frequency is ?xed to the frequency that has been selected for SQ. To return an adjusted SQ to the default setting Select the SQ which is to be returned to the default setting. (Follow steps 1 to 3 in ?SQ Changeover?. You cannot save any SQ presetting value in [1] button. Any SQ adjustments will not change the call up screen names such as ROCK and JAZZ. Do not activate SQ and Bass/Treble at the same time to avoid causing sound distortion. : LOCAL OFF (Default) : LOCAL ON lights. ) SQ (Sound Quality) (Setting Range: FLAT/ROCK/POP/VOCAL/JAZZ/CLUB, Default: FLAT) ( ?Sound Control?) Radio AM Local [AM] Only stations with good reception are detected in seek tuning. The 24-hour system is used for the clock. Minute blinks ( Right) ( Right) Clock Setting 2 Press [DISP]. [. . . ] Do not connect a USB device directly to this unit. If the USB device is connected directly to this unit and an accident occurs, or if the brakes are applied suddenly, the driver or passenger may bump into the USB device and may get injured. Position the USB device and USB extension cable so that they do not obstruct your driving. Do not connect any USB device other than USB memory, a USB audio player or iPod series (\CQ-RX400N\). [. . . ]


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Pretraga korisničkih priručnika


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