Upute za upotrebu PHILIPS BDH4223V

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Mode d'emploi PHILIPS BDH4223V

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Priručnik sažetak: korisnicki prirucnik PHILIPS BDH4223V

Detaljne upute za upotrebu su u Korisničkom Vodiču.

[. . . ] Philips Business Solutions EN User Manual TYPE Nr. BDH4222V BDH4223V User Manual BDH4222V/BDH4223V TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 1. 1 1. 2 1. 3 1. 4 1. 5 1. 6 IMPORTANT NOTES AND SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS . . 11 4. 1 4. 2 4. 3 UNPACKING AND INSTALLATION . 19 Connecting a HDTV Decoder Set-Top Box . 24 5 5. 1 5. 2 5. 3 6 6. 1 6. 2 6. 3 6. 4 6. 5 6. 6 7 7. 1 7. 2 7. 3 7. 4 BASIC FUNCTIONS . [. . . ] 3 Make sure that the "Picture" OSD menu below is displayed. 4 Use the MENU +/- keys to move up and down to choose the subcategory you wish to change. 5 Use the ADJ +/- keys to actually change the setting. PIP options: PIP On/Off Input Source Selection PIP Window Position Choose between FIXED or VARIABLE windows position: If set to FIXED, the PIP window can be set in any of the four corners of the screen. Use H-LOCATION and V-LOCATION to set the position of the window. If set to VARIABLE, the PIP window can be variably set to anywhere on the screen using H-LOCATION and V-LOCATION. PIP Window SWAP By default, the OSD will always display DISABLE. To swap the main and sub windows, use the ADJ +/- key to swith to ENABLE. Once the swap is complete, the OSD will return to display DISABLE. 32 User Manual BDH4222V/4223V POP options: POP On/Off Input Source Selection Screen Rate (Aspect Ratio Control) When POP (Side-by-side) picture is turned on, you can change the aspect ratio for the image displayed: Choose FULL to show a full screen image. The displayed image may appear distorted because the monitor has to manipulate the image so that it fits within the smaller window. Choose 4:3 to show an image in native 4:3 aspect ratio within the POP windows. Small black bars are added in order to maintain a true 4:3 aspect ratio. Choose 16:9 to show an image in wide-screen aspect ratio within the POP windows. Small black bars are added in order to maintain a true 16:9 aspect ratio. PIP Window SWAP By default, the OSD will always display DISABLE. To swap the main (left) and sub (right) windows, use the ADJ +/- key to swith to ENABLE. Once the swap is complete, the OSD will return to display DISABLE. 33 User Manual BDH4222V/4223V 8. 2 WIDESCREEN (16:9 ASPECT RATIO) VIEWING MODES Understanding Widescreen Modes This plasma monitor is capable of displaying a widescreen image on the native 16:9 aspect ratio screen. However, not all available broadcast or video content fits perfectly in a widescreen (16:9) format resulting in unused screen space. Please use the following guidelines to determine suitable widescreen viewing modes available that best support the type of broadcast / video content you wish to display. All widescreen viewing modes are available by pressing the WIDE key. Pressing the WIDE key will repeatedly cycle through: For 4:3 Aspect Ratio (Square) Content Content from VCR, and some DVD's are formatted using a "square" 4:3 format. Then we recommend the following three viewing options: 4:3 (NORMAL) In 4:3 mode, the original 4:3 image is preserved but black bars are added to the the extra space on the left and right. 16:9 (FULL) The original 4:3 image is proportionally stretched to fill the entire screen. PANORAMA The original 4:3 image is expanded in both the horizontal and vertical directions. The center of the picture is almost normal while the edges are considerably expanded. For Widescreen Content Many popular DVD titles are "anamorphic" (widescreen); however, there are two predominant "anamorphic" (widescreen) aspect ratios: 2. 35:1 and 1. 85:1. When a 2. 35:1 content is displayed on this 16:9 widescreen monitor, you will notice smaller black bars on top or bottom of the screen. When a 1. 85:1 content is displayed, you will still see black bars, but not as large as 2. 35:1. If you do not want to see the black bars when playing back a widescreen movie, you can set to ZOOM 2 or ZOOM 3 to fully stretch the image. ZOOM: 1 Zoom1 shifts the image up to faciliate the display of subtitles. ZOOM: 2 Zoom 2 is set to stretch 1. 85:1 content to full screen eliminating the black bars. ZOOM: 3 Zoom 3 is set to stretch 2. 35:1 content to full screen eliminating the black bars. 34 User Manual BDH4222V/4223V Notes: 4:3 and Panorama modes are not available when zoom mode is activated. When using Component 1 and Component 2 inputs to display 576p, 1080i or 720p, Panorama mode is not available. When using RGB or DVI inputs, only 4:3 and 16:9 modes are available. Do not stay in 4:3 mode for an extended period, as this may cause a permanent after-image to remain on your screen. Accessing Widescreen Viewing Modes using OSD To access these modes using OSD: 1 Press the MENU +/- keys on the remote or the front control panel of the monitor. NORMAL NOISE REDUCTION 2 Make sure that the "Picture" OSD menu is displayed. [. . . ] a product that requires modification or adaptation to enable it to operate in any country other than the country for which it was designed, manufactured, approved and/or authorized, or repair of products damaged by these modifications. incidental or consequential damages resulting from the product. (Some states do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusion may not apply to you. This includes, but is not limited to, prerecorded material, whether copyrighted or not copyrighted. ) modifications or adaptations to enable the product to operate in any country other than the country for which it was designed, manufactured, approved and/or authorized, or the repair of products damaged by these modifications. [. . . ]


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