Upute za upotrebu PANASONIC ES-WD42

Lastmanuals nudi društvenu uslugu dijeljenja, pohranjivanja i pretraživanja priručnika koji se odnose na korištenje tehničke opreme i softvera: korisnički vodiči, vlasnički priručnici, brze upute, tehničke podatkovne liste... NE ZABORAVITE: UVIJEK PROČITAJTE KORISNIČKI VODIČ PRIJE KUPNJE!!!

Ako ovaj dokument odgovara korisničkom vodiču, priručniku s uputama ili korisničkom priručniku, funkcionalnostima, shemama koje ste tražili, preuzmite ga sada. Lastmanuals vam omogućava brzo i lagano raspolaganje s korisničkim priručnikom PANASONIC ES-WD42. Nadamo se da vam je ovaj PANASONIC ES-WD42 korisnički vodič bio koristan.

Lastmanuals pomoć za preuzimanje korisničkog vodiča PANASONIC ES-WD42.

Mode d'emploi PANASONIC ES-WD42
Priručnik sažetak: korisnicki prirucnik PANASONIC ES-WD42

Detaljne upute za upotrebu su u Korisničkom Vodiču.

[. . . ] Namjena. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Cleaning���������������������������������������������13 Intendeduse����������������������������������������8 Čišćenje. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 . Brzi koraci za epilaciju. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Zamjena mrežica za brijanje . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Quickstepsforepilating���������������������8 Replacingtheouterfoil��������������������13 � Partsidentification������������������������������9 Rješavanje problema. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Dijelovi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Troubleshooting��������������������������������14 . [. . . ] • Confirm the bikini comb kožu detached. Attach less painful the shaver head isskliskom za brijanje iz veće Push makes epilator bolje klizi so you možete blizine. Foam the head • Foam is slide better, pa ga is canthe until it • Confirm the bikini comb [B] is detached. Areas not suitable deformed move it fast. better, so you can Check that the outer foil is not for epilationor brže pomicati. epilator slide Pričvrstite The epilator should not be Check thatglavu za brijanje not ]. the outer foil is [ deformed or move it fast. using the appliance in an ambient temperature • Preporučujemo korištenje uređaja • We recommend • rovjerite je li nastavak za bikini zonu [ ] odvojen. used on put shower gel u recommend using the appliance in °C. Ako appliance range of 0 - 35 °C. rasponu od 0 this range, thega budete may Wet your skin andthe inner side of theon your skin. • Wetemperaturnom If used outsidedo 35an ambient temperature koristili 0 - 35tog raspona, uređajthismogao prestati raditi. za brijanje which are • Confirm theprone to sagging. Check that bikini • Provjerite jethe outer foilbikini zonu [ ] odvojen. li nastavak za is not deformed or Shaving Shaving Brijanje Dry shaving areas. Using the epilator on other areas may cause pain or skin trouble. Areas not suitable for epilation ES-WD42_EU. indb ES-WD42_EU. indb ES-WD42_EU. indb English English English Hrvatski 1 2 1 1 1 2 Check that the outer foil is not deformed or Dry 2 damaged. jesu li mrežice za brijanje izobličene ili damaged. Epilating 2 Provjeritepowerepilation[D]away waterposition. on your skin. Slide the Before epilating, wipe the 1 or sweat 3 oštećene. power switch [D] to is in close contact • Pressthe Slide gently so that the whole blade the 1 position. switch to 3 • Press gentlyprekidačsuitableswitch [in does] na move Slide the za uklj. /isklj. [D] contact with the skin soAreassurface for epilation not and that whole the is 3 Pomaknitecarrythethepowerofbladeblade closeto the 1 position and out epilation. blade položaj down. and theThe epilator can be does not move up and skin with the1. surface of the 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 12 12 Best hair length for epilation 12 12 12 Trim your hair before epilating for the first time or if you have not epilated for a long time. [. . . ] epilator, and epilatora i ne smije se koristitiwhen disposing of the Ako must rastavite epilator, više If you dismantle the epilator yourself, sami not be used to repair it. neće biti vodootporan, što može it will no longer be uzrokovati kvar. waterproof, which may cause it to malfunction. • Disconnect the power cord from epilatora prilikom uklanjanja • dspojite kabel za napajanje izthe epilator when removing the O battery. • Slide the power switch to turn on da biste uključili uređaj i the • omaknite prekidač za uklj. /isklj. the power and then keep zatim P power on until the battery se completely discharged. [. . . ]


Lastmanuals nudi društvenu uslugu dijeljenja, pohranjivanja i pretraživanja priručnika koji se odnose na korištenje tehničke opreme i softvera: korisnički vodiči, vlasnički priručnici, brze upute, tehničke podatkovne liste...
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Klikom na " Preuzimanje korisničkog Priručnika " na kraju ovog Ugovora ako prihvaćate njegove uvjete, započeti će preuzimanje priručnika PANASONIC ES-WD42.

Pretraga korisničkih priručnika


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